Ele / Support and Guidance


Tank / Warrior

Height 1,83 m
Weight 101 kg

Type of Damage
Magic Damage

Physical Description
Slim, with short dark fur and dense blonde tufts of hair on her muzzle, she is delicate but possesses great physical strength worthy of her race.

She is a simple, gentle-natured tora. Despite her apparent shyness, she is well-liked by everyone in the herd due to her kindness and ability to listen to others.

Quick Story
A young tora who joined Rob's herd when it was still in the process of unification. Initially, Ellie was very reserved and shy, but thanks to the trust her companions gave her and her ability to integrate into the community, she overcame her insecurities and became an important part of the herd.

Physical Description
Slim, with short dark fur and dense blonde tufts of hair on her muzzle, she is delicate but possesses great physical strength worthy of her race.

She is a simple, gentle-natured tora. Despite her apparent shyness, she is well-liked by everyone in the herd due to her kindness and ability to listen to others.

Quick story
A young tora who joined Rob's herd when it was still in the process of unification. Initially, Ellie was very reserved and shy, but thanks to the trust her companions gave her and her ability to integrate into the community, she overcame her insecurities and became an important part of the herd.


Especial Ability / Aura of Serenity
Emanates a calming energy that relieves stress and anxiety in her allies, allowing them to regain their strength and focus on the battle. Additionally, this aura negatively affects enemies, making them bewildered and less efficient in combat.

Especial Ability
With “Thunderous cut” Raenar focuses his strength into a powerful blow with his sword, capable of dealing bludgeoning damage to his opponent and upsetting his balance. The effectiveness of it will depend on the dexterity, resistance and armor of the opponent.

Especial Ability / Aura of Serenity
Emanates a calming energy that relieves stress and anxiety in her allies, allowing them to regain their strength and focus on the battle. Additionally, this aura negatively affects enemies, making them bewildered and less efficient in combat.

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