Samita / Master Collector


Tank / Warrior

Height 1,82 m
Weight 88 kg

Type of Damage
Magic Damage

Physical Description
He is a medium-sized simian with thick, dark fur covering his body. Her face is broad and expressive, with a prominent jaw and large, intelligent eyes. She carries herself upright and confidently.

He has a great intellect, with an analytical mind and strategic thinking. As a leader in his field, she is highly respected by her peers, though his approach can sometimes seem cold and calculating.

Quick Story
Little is known about her past, as he rarely speaks of it. It is known that he comes from a well-to-do family of Simians.  From an early age, he showed great talent for analysis and strategy.

Physical Description
He is a medium-sized simian with thick, dark fur covering her body. Her face is broad and expressive, with a prominent jaw and large, intelligent eyes. he carries herself upright and confidently.

Possesses a great intellect, with an analytical mind and strategic thinking. As a leader in his field, he is highly respected by his peers, though his approach can sometimes seem cold and calculating.

Quick Story
Little is known about Samita's past, as he rarely speaks of it. It is known that he comes from a well-to-do simian family and showed great talent for analysis and strategy from an early age.


Especial Ability / Arcane Mind
Allows Samita to analyze and manipulate magical energies, enhancing their understanding and control of situations. This ability helps them predict attacks, discover weaknesses, and optimize the use of magical resources.

Especial Ability
With “Thunderous cut” Raenar focuses his strength into a powerful blow with his sword, capable of dealing bludgeoning damage to his opponent and upsetting his balance. The effectiveness of it will depend on the dexterity, resistance and armor of the opponent.

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